"Pose as a friend work as a SPY "..

Hope you got it?Nope!Right then..
  Let me clear you that in this 21st century everything is possible .You can't even believe in me, if I say this to you.
  The emerging technologies such as AI,Virtual Reality,Machine learnings has filled large parts of human lives currently and still they are growing on and on....!
   Let me tell you that not only this but also technologies such as robotics,bio-technology,aurdino's,IOT etc, are influencing much on human lives through communication in electronics by making us jubilant with their work.I understood it today that this world is a placewhere,everything has it's own beauty.
     Now coming to the topics view in which is "posing as a friend and working as a spy"through which scientist are making spy robots to learn much about animal behaviour,It's a shock!that they are making "Spy Robots" as that of animals by fixing camera's,by making their bodies originally as that of beasts and leaving them their in forests by attaching pre-defined sensors with all their efforts. These  Spy Robot's of chimpanzees,langoors,cranes,crocodiles,penguins etc,.are being controlled by Radioremotesensing devices..which is unbelievable where they will be in the group of real animals capturing the movements of animals.
       So be careful with the technology you use everyday and try to learn about gem in detail. Being a "spy" is good thing,where you can discover new concepts to work on..
   Be a Scientist , Be an Engineer , Be a problem solver within your own community first to solve the problems of future.


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