Our little puppy, the Phoenix.
It was on July 20th, 2022... Around 5 pm I received a phone call from my younger cousin, Sheza. She said she found a puppy near her school and got it to her home for me, as I used to tell her that I would love to adopt a pet. At that moment, I was On Cloud nine cause I am going to get a puppy finally after so many days of searching and wishing to have one.
That day, Our Phoenix came to my home as a 1 & half-month-old puppy. It was hungry, thirsty, and cute. ASAP, I rushed inside and got some milk for it. It drank happily and licked its tongue here and there on in paws and sat silently inside its box. Soon after that, Phoenix fell asleep.
Sheza told that she found her nearby a drainage and she saw 7 more puppies along with their mother, the later day. Oh! no, if this puppy has been there, it might have not been able to survive longer. On Day 1, Phoenix screamed most of the night but it was getting used to us gradually from the next days.
My sister was uneasy with it on day 1 but, from day 2 she started to touch it, hug it, swing it, play with it, feed it, clean its space, and every possible thing to keep it safe. So I not only got a pet but also got a friend for her. An everlasting friendship, which dogs shower.
Even though I fear a little bit to hug & hold Pheonix in my arms yet, I love my little puppy to the moon and back. Maybe one day my fear will turn into a caring hug and soothing touch of the closest friend ever. Because I saw in movies and read in blogs that Dogs love unconditionally.
For a month we feed him liters of milk, then we slowly shifted to Curd Rice, Dog Biscuits, and Some Apple pieces. Now, in the 4th month, we are giving him Biscuits, Rotis for breakfast, Pedigree for lunch, and curd rice for Dinner. He loves chicken bones, and milk products a lot.
My father used to have dogs a long time ago. And now, he looks after him in the mornings and evenings by taking it for walking. As usual, as every typical mom scolds their kids to stay away from pets, so does my mom.
Here I am listening to its barking and writing about the short story of our little one, I feel safe and proud to be a dog owner adopting a stray puppy, giving it a home and a family to live with. May you all find animals interesting and adopt a puppy instead of buying a Dog of some breed.
As the sayings go, like this…
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Roger Caras
A dog will always be your best friend no matter what. Even if your human friends aren’t.
We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. – Immanuel Kant
There’s a saying. If you want someone to love you forever, buy a dog, feed it and keep it around. – Dick Dale
Dogs can be many things. They are there to cheer you up when you feel blue, they shower unconditional love and make you want to be a better person. But these furry friends are not always lucky enough to get a loving master. They are abandoned many a time and are in need of the love and support they deserve.
Every dog should have a home because they deserve love and care.
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
- Agnes Repplier.
"Every human should not buy a dog but rescue in need and free him from the sufferings and give him love, care, and shelter."
“Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.”
― Karen Davison
Dogs are man's best friend for a reason. Humans and dogs have shared a special bond for centuries. These friendly pups help us reduce anxiety and tension and love us with all they have. While we give sweet and comforting hugs to our pets, there are some poor pups who live on the streets and are often deprived of all the warmth and affection.
Presenting you all our little Phoenix.
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